What do you wake up wanting Every. Single. Day?

➡️ Do you ever wonder why it feels so hard to get it, create it, EXPERIENCE IT?

➡️ Do you get sick of cycling through struggles, setbacks, stuck points, barriers, and other repetitive patterns that seem to BLOCK you
no matter how much you do or how hard you try?

➡️ Can you no longer tolerate being where you are instead of WHERE YOU WANT TO BE?

I have news for you: Limiting Subconscious Beliefs are what's keeping you from the thing you want most.


These beliefs exist as part of our human survival systems, they serve a purpose - SURVIVAL and SAFETY!


But, those same patterns can become cumbersome and get in the way when we are READY TO
THRIVE, HEAL, IMPROVE, or CHANGE something about ourselves or life!


The GREAT NEWS is that you can shift your beliefs AND get your body to recognize that it doesn't need to protect you from


And you're IN THE RIGHT PLACE to learn how! Read on to learn more...

Register for the Overcoming Limiting Beliefs+ Workshop NOW!

 Join us Saturday, September 7th, 2024 at 11am ET online via Zoom!


This workshop includes an initial 4-5 hour Workshop plus 4 additional onine support calls to help you apply what you learn,  celebrate your wins,  answer your questions, or provide feedback and adjustments to your practice to ensure you aren't struggling to figure things out on your own.


The investment is only $150 for this pioneer group workshop because it's my first time presenting to a group instead of individually. This is the lowest price this workshop will ever be, so grab your spot now!

Sign Up for the
Overcoming Limiting Beliefs Group Healing Workshop
to get your body/nervous system on board
with the thing you WANT MOST...

This workshop will identify an underlying belief that's cause the blocks, stuck-points, self-sabotage, and struggles preventing you from creating the health, life, and relationships you desire and deserve.


You will then learn a new strategy to get your body to align better with what you WANT MORE OF instead of what you already have or want LESS of.


You'll be supported in the implementation process
with weekly online calls. 

This program will help you overcome barriers and get
more results from your efforts to heal and improve
yourself, health, life, and relationships!

(I'm intentionally not saying 'manifesting' bc it's so overused and blamey/shamey because most people struggle to magically, easily manifest with GOOD REASON, and no fault of their own!)


SIGN ME UP! I'm Ready to Break Free from Limiting Patterns NOW!

Subconscious Limiting Beliefs create all sorts of struggles, issues,
and repetitive patterns that get in our way!


Here are just some of the ways these limiting beliefs can affect a person: 



  • Discomfort or pain
  • Illness
  • Symptoms
  • Sensations


Mind, Thoughts, Inner Voice

  • Inner voice is an asshole
  • Really unforgiving of yourself or your humanness
  • Depression, anxiety
  • Can’ts and shoulds



  • Emotions have taken over
  • Stuff everything down
  • Cry often or when it doesn’t always make sense
  • Difficult to recover from emotions
  • Avoid emotions at all cost because they derail you or are so incredibly disruptive and overwhelming



Goals or Purpose

  • Keeping focused
  • Getting results
  • Getting to the outcome
  • Having clarity
  • Frozen/unable to act
  • Disconnected from purpose

Behavior/Coping Mechs

  • Self-sabotage
  • Avoidance
  • Distraction
  • Reactiveness
  • blame/projection
  • People pleasing
  • Peace keeping
  • Hypervigilance
  • Over-working or over-achieving
  • Responsibility overload, taking on responsibility for others 
  • Preemptively ending things or quitting
  • Having low or no boundaries
  • Holding back communication
  • Dismissing your own needs and feelings, aka prioritizing everyone and everything over yourself


  • With self
  • With others
  • To the world
  • To ______  {success, failure, healing, safety, etc}
  • Repetitive relationship patterns (break-ups, arguments, issues, etc)
  • Negative self-relationship or sense of self/self-worth
  • Not feeling safe in your body, in relationships, or in the world
  • Sense of disconnection from self or others
  • Feel like you're always on the outside looking in

Improvement & Change

  • Want change, healing, improvement but can’t seem to have it 
  • Stuckness & Setbacks
  • Hopelessness
  • Fear of unknown/uncertainty/other 

Identifying your Overcoming Beliefs Can Make a Significant Impact on Your Ability to Experience Comfort, Joy, Connection, Flow, and THRIVING in your body and life!


If you are sick of struggling, tired of repeating the same patterns, or can no longer tolerate staying where you are...
this Workshop will get you EXCITED about your future!

CLICK HERE to Sign Up to Overcome Limiting Beliefs NOW!


The Overcoming Limiting Beliefs Program is fasciliated by Michelle Clinard,
an Energy Practitioner and Self-healing Mentor/Educator with...

💥more than 10 years practicing energy medicine, coaching and teaching. 


💥 advanced training and certification in kinisiology, energetics, quantum physics, trauma healing, nervous system regulation, EMDR and other Somatic techniques.


 💥 a proven system of healing called the Wholeness Healing Methodology


💥 personal experience overcoming trauma patterns, self-sabotaging behaviors, mental and emotional patterns, chronic pain, chronic symptoms and issues, a sense of disconnection from my body and myself, and significant self-worth issues.


💥 a passion and purpose to take the struggle out of healing, self-care, and self-improvement




Sign up for the Overcoming Limiting Beliefs Workshop Now!

This will be a multi-session group workshop where we'll meet online over the course of 4 weeks.




Register for the Overcoming Limiting Beliefs+ Workshop NOW!
Follow me to learn how to reclaim your health and your life!